Monday, August 30, 2010

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Critical Thinking Pg. 301 problem 2

2. What is carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Carpus is a word derived from the Greek word karpos, which means "wrist." The wrist is surrounded by a band of fibrous tissue that normally functions as a support for the joint. The tight space between this fibrous band and the wrist bone is called the carpal tunnel. The median nerve passes through the carpal tunnel to receive sensations from the thumb, index, and middle fingers of the hand. Any condition that causes swelling or a change in position of the tissue within the carpal tunnel can squeeze and irritate the median nerve. Irritation of the median nerve in this manner causes tingling and numbness of the thumb, index, and the middle fingers -- a condition known as "carpal tunnel syndrome.

What conditions and diseases cause carpal tunnel syndrome?

For most patients, the cause of their carpal tunnel syndrome is unknown. Any condition that exerts pressure on the median nerve at the wrist can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. Common conditions that can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome include obesity, pregnancy, hypothyroidism, arthritis, diabetes, and trauma. Tendon inflammation resulting from repetitive work, such as uninterrupted typing, can also cause carpal tunnel symptoms. Carpal tunnel syndrome from repetitive maneuvers has been referred to as one of the repetitive stress injuries. Some rare diseases can cause deposition of abnormal substances in and around the carpal tunnel, leading to nerve irritation. These diseases include amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, multiple myeloma, and leukemia.

What are carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms?

People with carpal tunnel syndrome initially feel numbness and tingling of the hand in the distribution of the median nerve (the thumb, index, middle, and part of the fourth fingers). These sensations are often more pronounced at night and can awaken people from sleep. The reason symptoms are worse at night may be related to the flexed-wrist sleeping position and/or fluid accumulating around the wrist and hand while lying flat. Carpal tunnel syndrome may be a temporary condition that completely resolves or it can persist and progress.

How is carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosed?

The diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome is suspected based on the symptoms and the distribution of the hand numbness. Examination of the neck, shoulder, elbow, pulses, and reflexes can be performed to exclude other conditions that can mimic carpal tunnel syndrome. The wrist can be examined for swelling, warmth, tenderness, deformity, and discoloration. Sometimes tapping the front of the wrist can reproduce tingling of the hand, and is referred to as Tinel's sign of carpal tunnel syndrome. Symptoms can also at times be reproduced by the examiner by bending the wrist forward (referred to as Phalen's maneuver).

The diagnosis is strongly suggested when a nerve conduction velocity test is abnormal. This test involves measuring the rate of speed of electrical impulses as they travel down a nerve. In carpal tunnel syndrome, the impulse slows as it crosses through the carpal tunnel. A test of muscles of the extremity, electromyogram (EMG), is sometimes performed to exclude or detect other conditions that might mimic carpal tunnel syndrome.

Blood tests may be performed to identify medical conditions associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. These tests include thyroid hormone levels, complete blood counts, and blood sugar and protein analysis. X-ray tests of the wrist and hand might also be helpful to identify abnormalities of the bones and joints of the wrist.

What is the treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome? Can carpal tunnel syndrome be prevented?

The choice of treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome depends on the severity of the symptoms and any underlying disease that might be causing the symptoms.

Initial treatment usually includes rest, immobilization of the wrist in a splint, and occasionally ice application. Those whose occupations are aggravating the symptoms should modify their activities. For example, computer keyboards and chair height may need to be adjusted to optimize comfort. These measures, as well as periodic resting and range of motion stretching exercise of the wrists can actually prevent the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome that are caused by repetitive overuse. Underlying conditions or diseases are treated individually. Fractures can require orthopedic management. Obese individuals will be advised regarding weight reduction. Rheumatoid disease is treated with measures directed against the underlying arthritis. Wrist swelling that can be associated with pregnancy resolves in time after delivery of the baby.

Several types of medications have been used in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) has been reported to relieve some symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, although it is not known how this medication works. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can also be helpful in decreasing inflammation and reducing pain. Side effects include gastrointestinal upset and even ulceration of the stomach. These medications should be taken with food, and abdominal symptoms should be reported to the doctor. Corticosteroids can be given by mouth or injected directly into the involved wrist joint. They can bring rapid relief of the persistent symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Side effects of these medications, when given in short courses, for carpal tunnel syndrome are minimal. However, corticosteroids can aggravate diabetes and should be avoided in the presence of infections.

Most patients with carpal tunnel syndrome improve with conservative measures and medications. Occasionally, chronic pressure on the median nerve can result in persistent numbness and weakness. In order to avoid serious and permanent nerve and muscle consequences of carpal tunnel syndrome, surgical treatment is considered. Surgery involves severing the band of tissue around the wrist to reduce pressure on the median nerve. This surgical procedure is called "carpal tunnel release." It can now be performed with a small diameter viewing tube, called an arthroscope, or by open wrist procedure. After carpal tunnel release, patients often undergo exercise rehabilitation. Though it is uncommon, symptoms can recur. and

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Computer Upgrades

When upgrading a smaller computer there are always challenges. One common challenge will be that the part(s) that you may be trying to upgrade may no longer be available for the model of computer that you have. Therefore you will have to resort back to using the manufacturers model item. An example of this would be upgrading the ram in an older form factor case or adding a wireless network card to an older model laptop that was made for dial-up.


Monday, August 16, 2010

Week 4 Assignments

Beyond The Book P.184:

Ah, you say, but can they find a parking space?

Well, yes. In less time than it took for the visionary self-parking Jetson vehicle to become a reality, so, too, will come help finding that elusive space.

"That concept really is a futuristic concept, but I firmly believe it will be happening soon," said David Palmer, marketing director for Parkeon, a company that manages parking systems.

Parkeon is one of four companies that will install innovative pilot parking programs in the District next month as the venerable parking meter speeds toward obsolescence.

Three of the systems scheduled for trial runs will have sensors in each parking space that communicate with a central control device. That control box will keep track of whether a space is occupied and, if it is, whether the vehicle's occupant has paid to park there. And three of the systems will give drivers the option of paying "the meter" by cellphone.All four will allow payment by cash or credit card. One system will ask drivers to enter their license plate numbers at the control box when they pay, and parking enforcement officers will be able to use handheld or car-mounted scanners to determine who has paid and who will get a ticket.

7. Innovative Computing - Fireworks software creates a real blast - In 1889 Constantino Vitale started his fireworks company in Pietramelara, Italy. In 1920 he immigrated to the United States through Ellis Island making a home for his family and company in New Castle, Pennsylvania — a small town between Pittsburgh and Cleveland that would become known as "The Fireworks Capital of America." -

* Pyrotecnico produced the fireworks and special effects for MTV's halftime show for Super Bowl 38 in Reliant Stadium, Houston, Texas. -

Itunes U - iTunes U initially was a pilot project that Apple collaborated with six institutions, Brown University, Duke University, Stanford University, University of Michigan (School of Dentistry), University of Missouri (School of Journalism) and University of Wisconsin at Madison. -

* With a password-protected, internal-access iTunes U site, only members associated with your campus are allowed to view your content. Enrolled students can download iTunes U audio and video offerings one at a time or subscribe to an ongoing course or series and have new items download automatically as soon as they’re available. -

Monday, August 02, 2010

Week 2

Learn How To 2 :

3393 Peachtree Rd. Ne, Space 1006
Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 842-2973,-84.509583&sspn=0.711988,1.451569&ie=UTF8&split=1&rq=1&ev=zi&hq=At%26T&hnear=&ll=33.847527,-84.362324&spn=0.002976,0.00567&t=h&z=18&iwloc=I

Problem Solving @ Home :

5. My next step after resetting my home page is to delete my cookies. Sometimes cookies will allow for your internet browser to reconfigure itself back to previous settings.
9.In order to change the dialog box option you must first go under options (web browsers vary) find the web browser area and the option should be there. (Or you could just use google chrome and you won't have to worry about it!)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Discarding old computer equiptment

In order to discard old computer equipment I would notify my supervisor of taking them to Best Buy because they discard computers for free. In addition to save the company money, we could sell the outdated computers to a computer salvage shop.

Computer Replacement

When backing up files you should always backup any files that you need ie, music, pictures, important documents. That is for genre specific backup users; a smart backup would consist of all computer files which will include device drivers, updates and antivirus definitions.

No one likes know it alls!!!!!!!!!!!

When you suck, you suck! Arrogance will lead you to a long road!